Well, this is my biggest slip so far, a week without a post. I just kept putting off posting cause that would mean catching up on more than a few days which I didn't want to do. Looks like that plan worked out well. I'm going to end up cheating by posting pictures that I have already taken and many will be from the same day. Grab a snack cause this one is a marathon.
I took this one at work last Saturday, the day of my last post. Nothing really to say besides it was with the 50mm lens. Again I’m trying something new with this and uploading directly through Live Writer and adding EXIF info when you mouse over the picture. This means that there won’t be larger versions of pictures available because they aren’t on Flickr but if anyone wants any just e-mail me and I will be happy to send them.
This is another one from Saturday I took when I got home. This is our maple tree in the front yard. Its the only tree that we have that really turns colours in the fall. The two in the backyard, one is a Schubert Chokecherry so it is like plum from May-June and doesn’t change after that. The other tree doesn’t really have leaves to turn colours cause its pretty dead.
I went to the 67’s game again this past Friday with some friends and brought my camera again. I shot RAW + Large JPG so I was putting like 25mb onto my card with every shot. After the end of the second period my camera was showing only like 190 shots left. I deleted a few but ended up not taking pictures in the third. This one I was very lucky i shot RAW cause I had changed my settings to take a picture of the crowd and forgot to change it back so as you can see by the EXIF it was terribly over exposed. Plus my WB was off for most of the shots so that made fixing them easy as well. We were a few (literally 3 minutes late) and we had missed 3 goals. We only got to see one more and it was for the bad guys. There were a few fights, and I will probably post the best shot later on.
I’m digging way back into the archives for this one. This is from the weekend I played tourist in my own town a couple of weekends ago. I could just post a bunch of pictures from Friday night’s hockey game but I would be bored with that and I’m sure others would be too. Naming all of these pictures and trying to give them witty titles is harder than I thought it would be. I’m not thinking very long or hard though and I’m kind of rushing through this. Trying to find, edit, post, comment on all of these plus add the EXIF, being distracted and other people needing the computer I imagine I won’t finish this post till this evening.
This is another one from the trip downtown on September 19th. I think it goes well with the time of year and seeing as its the thanksgiving long weekend. We had my mom’s side of the family over for dinner last night and I think the number was 22 people. We had a 28lb. bird I think i heard my dad say and there aren’t that many leftovers. All of my moms brothers and sisters and their families were here except for one. Plenty of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, pumpkin and apple pie was consumed by all. Funny moment of the night: we tied/duct taped two of my cousin’s kids together.
This is the aforementioned fight picture from the hockey game on Friday night. The other fight was in our end but the netting over the ends kind of ruined the picture so I ended up deleting them I think, along with like 120 or so other photos for similar reasons. Most of the good ones are on Flickr now, I may add one or two more during the week if I get around to it, otherwise they will stay hidden.
Last picture for the day. My dad picked up this pumpkin at the grocery store on Saturday. Two bucks for this beauty, you can’t beat that. I updated Lightroom today so that I can now shoot RAW and JPG and have it import automatically. Before it wouldn't import either file, it had to be strictly JPG’s on the card for it to import, so I ended up having to import 9.13GB of shots from the hockey game on Friday manually, which isn't so bad except if there were multiple shooting days on the card it would be a pain. Today was a pretty lazy day, I slept in pretty late, had a healthy breakfast of rice krispies and a good healthy sized piece of apple pie lol. I did some physics and chem. assignments. I listened to In-Flight Safety’s We are an Empire my Dear on cbcradio3, and looked through the archives of http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/ which is what “my inspiration” link on the side over there ----------> links to. I really love that photo blog and its pretty much the reason I am doing this one. Although I miss a few more day’s than he does.
So that is a weeks worth of photo’s in one post. I kind of feel like I cheated cause they weren’t taken on the day they were posted but I can’t really change that. They are all fairly recent so its not that bad. So its taken me at least 5hrs running time to get this done which isn’t that bad considering each individual post takes usually at least an hour to get done. If you stuck it out to the end and actually read everything I appreciate it! I myself probably wouldn’t even get through the whole thing. Anyways, I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving weekend with family and friends and I will hopefully be back with another post tomorrow.