Well if this isn’t laziness I don’t know what is! It has been 22 days since my last post, yes that was the Thursday before hallowe’en. I guess I have just been pretty busy with school and hockey that I haven't gone out and taken many pictures recently. It seems that 67’s games on Friday are really making the bulk of my photo collection (and today’s blog post). As well, I really need to start venturing outside my backyard to take pictures, its getting really repetitive, although last time I did get a few nice shots. I won’t be titling shots or embedding the meta data today cause I really don’t have the patience to look it up for 22 shots
We ended up getting really close seats for the Plymouth game and it really helps to get nicer angles for the the shots. Well hopefully I can get back on track again and keep up my posting. I would have added captions to some photos but the formatting of windows live writer is the most annoying interface on the planet and I really don’t feel like messing with it tonight.
I have orientation at work tomorrow, which work now refers to Empire Theatres, I am going to be working at the new theatre they are opening on Innes Rd. I don’t know what I will be doing specifically yet but hopefully that will be cleared up tomorrow or Sunday, yes I have orientation for 3.5 hrs both days. The theatre I will be working at is set to open December 18th, and unfortunately we are leaving for our cruise December 19th so I won’t be working very much then.
Well that about sums up 22 days of absence from the blogosphere. Hopefully I can keep the posting up and not have to make massive posts like this again in the future.
Until tomorrow,