Saturday, September 26, 2009

365: 8 Changing Seasons

365: 8 Changing Seasons, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

A sad sign to see that summer is officially over and that fall is here. Nights and mornings are cold now and during the day it only really gets up to 20°C on a good day, I know next Wednesday when I am supposed to work there is a daytime high of 8°C, I may need to break out a winter jacket for that shift! I took this shot at work on Friday as well and I have a bunch more of this flock as they got closer but a lot of them were out of focus or the sky was kinda a boring colour. Taken with the 70-200mm again.

I haven't eaten dinner yet and it is now 5 after 9. As per twitter I am thinking pancakes :) So i will conclude this one as it has been like 8.5-9hrs since my last meal so if i write much more I think it will stop making sense :P.



365: 7 Illumination

365: 7 Illumination, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

I'm behind...again but I keep totally forgetting and this week was busy with school, work, and hockey. Took this one at work on Friday, counting it as my picture for Thursday's photo. I work at a local tennis club so this is one of the light posts taken from the clubhouse/patio area. This was the first time I took pictures at work and it was alright, the sun was setting so light was leaving quick. Taken with the 70-200mm lens this time as the last few were with the 50mm.

As you may see by my twitter updates I have an interview coming up at futureshop for customer service rep. and that is over the phone on monday. Couple more posts need to be done today so stay tuned



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

365: 6 Herbs

365: 6 Herbs, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

Hello again,

I took this picture yesterday of a little herb planter/window basket thing my mom has going on. 50mm again used for this one shot wide open if I remember as well. I had a hockey try out today and that just showed me how out of shape I am! I am super tired right now so I think I will make this the shortest one yet. I will try and get out and get something more interesting tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

365: 5 Car Accident

365: 5 Car Accident, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

Alright, back for round two on the day. Didn't end up taking any pictures at work cause I was studying for a chem test tomorrow. Took this one before I left for work and I just processed it. Boosted blacks, warmed it up, desaturated all in lightroom and then I added a vignette in Photoshop. I don't really know what else to say besides i used my 50mm for this one.

Congrats to Dan Mangan who won the Verge XM award today! I have been a fan of his for a little while and I think more people should know this guy. Also LIGHTS put out her new album in Canada today so I might have to pick that one up and from what I have heard already anyone who likes synth will love this.

Until tomorrow,


356: 4 Chateau Laurier

356: 4 Chateau Laurier, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

Day 4 and I am already behind! Last night was a good TV night with the starts of How I met Your Mother and House and I also applied for a job for over the winter and posting to the blog seemed to slip my mind. This is one that I took last Saturday when I went downtown. I work tonight so I might be able to take and post a picture of something at work but I will probably end up just posting another one from the collection from the weekend. Check out for his new iPhone app/book /website as well which I think is an awesome idea.

I think that is all I really have to say for today so until later tonight



Sunday, September 20, 2009

365:3 Pink Lake Berries

Pink Lake Berries, originally uploaded by Dave Hassar.

Gonna keep this one shorter than the others cause its kinda late here and there really isn't much to say. It was my Dad's birthday today and we went to Gatineau Park and walked around pink lake trail. It was about 3-4 ish in the afternoon and not a cloud in the sky so light was hell and I'm not that happy with the results of many of the pictures be hey, I'm new so you can't expect to be amazing off the bat. After the walk we went out to lonestar for some fajitas ( which were delicious by the way) and came home for some cake :)

This one was shot with the 70-200 f2.8 and further exif can be found by clicking on the picture and following the link to flickr :)

